A common question that I hear from people is "do you have any siblings?" I tell them I have two brothers and two sisters and I am right in the middle. Than I proudly inform them that I have little brother serving a church mission with me right now and he is in Chile. That's exciting stuff!!
My little brother Jared and I started filling out our mission papers at the same time volunteering to serve the Lord. We helped push each other to live righteously and increase our faith. I was living in Utah at the time, so we would talk on the phone every now and again. Every night we would text each other a scripture that touched us that day from our studies. I would read his and he would read mine. It was neat. We later recruited others to join us in our little activity, Derek (my older brother), Micheal and Aubrey (my cousins). We did this for about 5 months.
Than the day came when I received my mission call to serve in the California Santa Rosa Mission. So in March, I headed west. While in California, Jared received his call to the Chile Rancagua Mission. He departed in October. So for the past year we have both been doing the same exact thing just on different sides of the equator. It is such a boost to me to know that I have a true friend that I look up to, praying for me and fighting the same fight that I am fighting everyday. We are called to baptize.
Jared in Chile (Ill give you a hint... he is the one with the blond hair)
The lovely Rochell family
If your in Chile or northern California the gospel of Jesus Christ is the same. We teach the same exact thing!
That always amazes me. But it is also so very simple. I have talked to many people of many other faiths and they all seem to disagree with each other; even if they claim to be from the same church, faith, or religion. There are Christan's arguing against Christians.
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism" - Ephesians 4:5.
He doesn't say, One Lord, 2 faiths, 2 baptisms
He doesn't say, One Lord, 45 faiths, 44 baptisms
He doesn't say, One Lord, 1098 faiths, 987 baptisms
I think you get my point...
God is a god of order; just look up at the sky or into a flower. So it is with His church and gospel.
Elder Jared Abbott and I are striving to spread the good news "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:" -Ephesians 4:13. That is was Paul's mission, that's Jared's mission, that's my mission, and most of all, that's Christ mission.
To learn more on how God has once again called a prophet to the earth to unify His people, visit http://mormon.org/
I love both Elder Abbotts and the good news they are spreading!