This last week was one of the best weeks of my life. A close friend of mine, Maria Sullivan, went through the temple to receive her endowment. While I was in the temple with her, great joy overcame me and I felt deep love for her. This is only possible through the Spirit of the Lord. There was no doubt that God was looking down upon her with great great happiness.
I asked Maria to write to me some of her feelings about her experience. And with her permission I would like to share some of her thoughts and feelings with you. So, from the words of Maria herself...
"The day before attending the Temple; I fasted for most of 24 hours. I cried endlessly because I thought, “WOW, I am attending the Temple, a Dream come true!” because I always thought “I would never be Temple worthy; the Temple was for everyone else BUT me.” Upon entering the Temple, this past Saturday; I immediately realized, “Yes, this is where I belong” because “I am a Child of God”. I never felt more Peace, Love, Tenderness, and a Spiritual presence as I did this day. During my session I thought, “I’m home, I’m safe, and I’m secure” (those are feeling I have not experienced much throughout my life) I felt so very close to Our Heavenly Father. While continuing my session everything seemed to click, and I saw everything with Clarity. I understand my role as a woman, as a mother, & as a wife. I better understand a man’s role as a man, a father, a husband, and a leader. I felt my entire body relax and I became totally emerged into my session. I didn’t want the session to end. I knew I was at the Temple at the right time in my life; and without a doubt I was in the right place, and “MY LIFE IS FOREVER CHANGED”. I briefly felt sadness because my two boys were not with me, but I too know that one day they will attend the Temple.
I look forward to attending the Temple regularly. I feel calmness about me that I’ve never felt before. I feel a greater Love and Devotion of Our Savior Jesus Christ. I feel whole. I feel I have accomplished a wonderful and glorious experience, and I pray that everyone can experience this one day."
She later goes on to say...
"I still feel that since last June, right after you left, My life changed so drastically and rapidly...I mean, I honestly felt the Holy Ghost take me by the hands and walked me through EVERY step of MY life (on Fast Forward) the Holy Ghost is still walking me...and Look where I am. "I WENT TO THE TEMPLE!!!" :) I say this with ALL the passion I have... "I am so amazed at the Love Jesus offers me". I still NEVER would have imagined my life being where I am Today!!! I am sooo happy, sooo at peace, sooo in love with God and the church and the scriptures, and so much much more
You know what is very notable about me or my behavior?... Fear does not lay so heavily in my heart. I am not afraid of the future, I am not afraid to stand up for myself, I have a Voice (i never had that before) I feel free of FEAR, because I know the Lord has my back :) It is soooo cool to have that kind of freedom, I have never felt that before. Since attending the Temple; changes are happening, I feel it and see it & i am "experiencing" it. I welcome the change. I Love change. i making sense!? lol :)"
Maria you are making perfect sense.
How profound are Maria's words? How honest?
I am sharing this with y'all to impress upon your minds the reality of the blessings that can be obtained only in the House of the Lord.
Lets all work together in this great cause "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of men" -
Moses 1:39
That was Beautiful! The first thoughts that came to mind were Mosiah, one of my very favorites, Chap. 4:11. When you come to the knowledge of the Glory of God and know his goodness, receive remission of our sins, it causes such "exceedingly great joy in your souls". That is so powerful and gives me such peace and love. Thank You for being there with me, believing in me, and just being you!
ReplyDeleteMaria :)